It's Friday!!!!
This has been a crazy and strange week. Bull Thistle was last weekend and we left on Sunday to make the long trek home. We stopped the first night in Terra Haute and struggled with the little guy not wanting to go to sleep. Who would have thought that riding long distances in the car would keep him awake? He did catnap here and there, but no serious sleeping. We drove all night on the way out and he was awake for the bulk of it. Very excited to see cars!
We arrived home Monday afternoon and unloaded the car. We checked the mail and whatnot….and that was about it. Tuesday brought me back to the working world followed by a session each with my project advisor and module 2 instructors. (Did I mention that I am back in school?) Eric stayed home to get caught up on rest since he did the driving.
The work week went in a blur…one problem followed by another. I can’t say I love my job at the moment, but I did find it fun to get my hands back into some real problem solving yesterday and today! Just picked up the littlest D from daycare and it's the highlight of my day! I can’t wait to see his smiling face and big blue eyes. He is the cutest little guy and so very, very sweet.
I think I have Eric convinced to go with me to see Julie & Julia this weekend. It’s been a while since we have seen a movie together in the theater. It should be a nice change of pace. It’s Ms. Streep, so I am sure it will be worth the money.
I will leave you with a list of books I currently have checked out from the library…maybe you can tell where my mind is headed with this reading list!
The Lawn and Garden Owner’s Manual: what to do and when to do it Hill, Lewis
Kitchen Gardens: how to create a beautiful and functional culinary garden Barash, Cathy
Four Seasons Gardening: a month-by-month guide to planning, planting and… Reilly, Ann
The 4-Hour Work Week (CD) Ferriss, Timothy
Depletion and Abundance: life on the new home front Astyk, Sharon
A Nation of Farmers: defeating the food crisis on American soil
One month to Live (CD) Shook, Kerry
The Organized Life: secrets of and expert organizer Denton, Stephanie
House works: cut the clutter, speed your cleaning, and calm the chaos Ewer, Cynthia Townley
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