11 August 2009

Only Tuesday!?

This has been a long week already. I can't believe it is only Tuesday!

I was supposed to have my mid year review at work an age ago and it didn't happen. Now I've been rescheduled 3 times. This last time is for Thursday at 4pm...which likely means that I will not be leaving work at 4:30. *sigh*

A missing pages project at work has kept me busy for the past few days and I am kind of thankful for the diversion into what I consider "real" work. It's not hard, just not simple. It's detective work and I'm enjoying it. Tomorrow will be the last of it for the time being.

I had class tonight and it went well. I'm still not 100% sure what I'm getting out of everything...this class is a bit more abstract, I think than others. We talked about Learning Styles tonight and discussed the Stage, Phase and Journey Theories that go with those. I'm in the Journey group...go figure.

Little boy woke up this morning at 5:15 and was having none of the back to bed stuff. So, mommy got up and we had scrambled eggs and watch Blues Clues. Mommy and Daddy left for work early. I had school so we drove separately. Eric went to the library to drop off books and I didn't know he was doing that. I told him I'd be a step behind. Well, in his detour to the library, I ended up a step ahead...I thought I was further behind and so I went on to work and then realised when I got there that we had missed each other. I got to work about 7:30. I didn't see George at drop off and didn't see him before he went down for the night. Just loves on a sleeping boy. Hoping he sleeps in a bit tomorrow morning!

Messy, unorganized post...but then, again, that's who I am! :)


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