20 February 2010

Sick Mommy

I have a cold.  It sucks.

Eric was kind enough to take George out for errands today...they went this morning and spent some time with Grandpa and ate luncj there and then came home and George took a nap.  I wrote up the grocery list and they went out again.  While they were at the store, I tried a new pizza crust recipe.  I liked the consistency, not sure about the taste since the cold has pretty much wiped out my tastebuds!

I noticed my hyacinths starting to come up...which means that even though it's snowing there is hope for warmer weather soon.  At least I hope so!

I'm still looking at seed catalogs and websites.  I really want a viable garden this year.  I'd like to do a raised bed or two in the back yard.  Not sure how that will work, but I can have my dreams! 

Oh, and I did give up Facebook for Lent.  The exception being Sunday...according to everything I have read, you are permitted a "mini-indulgence" on Sundays because Sunday is a mini reminder of the ressurection.  (When you count timewise to Easter, it is 40 days not counting Sundays because of this...who knew?) The goal is to keep it in perspective...and so I am allowing myself an hour tops...and prefer to keep it to a half an hour. 

Off to bed for me.  Well...after I drink my orange juice.


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