14 November 2009


Too much going on in my world!

Friday I had an employee knockk their head against a table and cut their eyebrow open. I was in a meeting with another employee and they made the decision to not come and get me and not leave to seek treatment on their own. To complicate matters, the employee is a contractor and so at the VERY least should have contacted the agency rep for our company. What this means is a whole bunch of paperwork and a potential OSHA visit. Have I mentioned lately how my job and I are not on the best of terms?

So, on the school front...my thesis paper/project is jacked up and I'm trying to get approval to fix it. I'm a bit stresses on that front, too. On the bright side, Statistics is going marvelously well. The professor is pretty straightforward and makes things easy to understand...at least while you're in the class.

In other news, no brunch tomorrow as Joe and Cheryl are going to be heading to the boats for the Crystal Brunch there. We are going to see if we can swing by in the morning because Cheryl wants her George fix. Don't know that we will do that because this afternoon, George was running a temp. It wasn't monstrously high, but it was a fever. I hope he's through with it by tomorrow.

So, George has been telling us when he goes potty. (Although, sometimes it's polly and not potty...?) So, I ask him if he pee-peed and he will nod his head and then I will tell him that we need to go to his room to change his diaper and he will (sometimes) head back toward his room so we can get it all taken care of. Today he told me he went potty and I said okay, let's change your diaper and he headed back. Well, I took the diaper off and there was nothin'. Soooo...I figured we'd sethim on the potty and see what happened. AND GEORGE POOPED IN THE POTTY! I still can't quite believe it. Quite definitely a one off thing. I am realistic about this! However, it might be time to procure a potty chair...

That's it from Donner-land! Love and hugs to all!


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