Change is the only constant
Change is the only constant.
Tuesday was Eric’s birthday. Unfortunately, my boss was in from North Carolina and so I had to lunch with her instead of with my husband on his birthday. To continue, my classes are on Tuesday nights, so…I saw Eric in the morning and then on break for a few minutes and then when we picked up George then I was off to school until 10:30. Eric and George did go out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa at the Green Mill. George did fine, but was upset when Grandpa tried to box his food up at the end. Eric thinks George was thinking that Grandpa was trying to steal his food! At any rate, I ate George’s leftovers when I got home….and they were yummy.
So, Tuesday afternoon, I had my first 1:1 with my new boss. I told her about school and how I was doing some reevaluating and that I was looking at making changes and if she could help me or provide guidance it would be greatly appreciated. And she listened and asked questions and I felt really good about the whole thing when it was over. Then Wednesday morning, she came in to the Forms Control Room and had a tour and asked questions about processes and procedures and how things work. This was the purpose of her visit, really, to get a better understanding of the two groups she does not have on her site…the Imaging Services team and the Forms Control Room. So, when mail came in, she moved over to the IS portion of the tour.
Wednesday afternoon, I am asked if I have a few minutes to meet with her in her office and I, of course, say yes. We sit and she tells me that XXX. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I want. However, there is no real choice in the matter. I say no and it looks very, very bad and prevents me from making a transition to the group where I ultimately want to be later on down the line. I’m not trained to make any jump now and so it’s not going to happen any time soon. XXXX
She did preface her request with “I know this isn’t what you want, but if you can do this for us short-term, I will see that we get you where you want to go ultimately.” No one seems to know how short short-term really is though. I asked and she doesn’t know. I have a feeling I’m looking at at least another year. In addition to this little change, which by the way, means XXX,I am also being asked to take on the role of Audit Subject Matter Expert. I know nothing about the auditing process, so I am training to learn all of that, too.
I’m kind of feeling like I am on overload. School, XXX, new role, and I’m helping out Line Manager Support Office to build a Global Tool-Kit. I’m trying to look at this as an opportunity, but I just really feel trapped.
I’m not supposed to be talking about any of this at the moment, so I’ve edited my post until official announcement has been made. I don’t know who from work could have made their way here from the FB account…so to err on the side of caution….
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