In other news...
I’m kind of excited! An e-mail came out at work for a community service project asking for blankets for Hospice. They are looking for gently used or new blankets to assist patients in staying warm as their immune systems start to slow down with advancing illness. With winter coming up blankets are a must.
So, I thought for a few seconds. I’ve got a couple unfinished projects at home and at least one would be a good fit for this request. Bringing it in to work would be great…but I can’t exactly sit in my cube and crochet all day! (A moment to daydream about what that would be like! And back to reality…) Ah, but I could get a conference room and crochet over my 30 minute lunch once a week. If I’m going to reserve a conference room I might as well see if there are any others who might want to join in. So, I asked a couple of people who I know crochet and knit and two said they would be willing to join me! YAY! One of the two is also working on scarves for the homeless, so we might work on that project, too since it is faster and less intimidating than an afghan. There are a couple I have not heard responses from so the little group might be a little bit bigger. AND I told the person coordinating the project so she might point others our way.
This really makes me happy! I’ve thought about doing something similar for quite awhile, but didn’t have an opening…nothing specific to work toward, so it seemed awkward to ask. This was a perfect opportunity! I’ve asked that the word be passed to others who might be more closet knitters and crocheters.
In other news, George now identifies octagons and knows that Stop signs are that shape. He also knows circle and oval and heart (which he pats his chest and says boom, boom when he sees). He knows the color yellow…and right now everything is yellow. Fish are Bish. Ball and Bowl sound an awful lot alike! He does car, truck and bus…all of which go “Vrooom!” Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star has motions…the making of the diamond in the sky happens to be his favorite part. He calls the TV something that we don’t quite understand…and I can’t even pronounce it the way he does to even begin to spell it! He watches, “Max and Ruby” and “Dora” (Swiper is the real star, though…he says, “Aw Man!” any time he sees Dora.) and LOOOOOVVVES Moose A. Moose and Zee even though they are the commercial break and he doesn’t understand the puzzles during Puzzle Time, he still flaps his “wings” with Zee when she is on. Still begs for “cackar” every morning and will convince you that he needs a ‘nana, too…and maybe bread and his water…but there’s not enough hands to carry it all and that means he needs a bowl. When he says “Peas” and “Cank cou”, it’s all worth it! We are working to get the “p” sound at the end of “Help.” That one has been a bit slow going! :-) I am so loving this age…he wakes up singing and it is so sweet to listen to. Plus, the random hugs and kisses out of nowhere just melt my heart. He still backs into your lap to sit and be read to…which I adore.
Daycare is having a carnival tonight complete with bounce house and all kinds of fun stuff. I’m not sure how much of it will be too old for George, but we will give it a try and see! It is a bit rainy and drizzly today and a touch cool…but humid. Not sure how much carnival we will be able to stand! Hopefully, I’ll have more fun stuff to report later!
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