17 August 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays

Ah, a Rainy Monday here in Kansas. It kind of suits my mood, though. I’d like to hibernate and find coziness at home…and I’m at work…a nice hot cup of coffee on my desk and wrapped in my blanket because the a/c is on a blowing on my neck.

I’ve taken to filling out these posts in a word doc at work as the thoughts come to me…and then will just post at the end of the day. It doesn’t take up much time that way. I can jot ideas and then do the clean up/editing on my afternoon break and it doesn’t take long at all.

This weekend was fun. On Saturday we went down to the Overland Park Farmers Market. It was great…we didn’t buy any produce, but we stopped in to Farm to Market and got breakfast…YUM…a fresh scone for me and George to share and a homemade cinnamon roll for Eric. We ate together on the bench out front. We watched people and ran into one of George’s teachers…Miss Kayti. George waved and said, “Hi!” to everyone as they walked past! Then it was back home for nap time. George slept and I worked in the yard a bit while Daddy did the bills. Lunch was Wyandotte BBQ and dinner was Papa Keno’s pizza…we stayed local, not a big chain in sight! J

Sunday wasn’t quite as stellar. We went to brunch and EVERYONE was there. George played catch with Aunt Anne and had a blast! Grandma and Grandpa bought a cool car that goes forward and backward and plays music! George likes to dance to the music…he’s not too sure about it moving on its own, though…and wants to sit on mommy’s lap when that happens. Brunch was great and George ate 2 and a half pancakes and a whole LOT of cantaloupe! After we left grandma and grandpa’s George fell asleep in the car…and then didn’t want to go back to sleep when we got home.

So, we loaded up into the car again and headed a couple streets over to an open house. Nice house even though it is a split level. The bedrooms are smaller and the bathrooms are out dated compared to our house. The kitchen was nicely done but small…a lot of counter space. Only a one car garage…but the lot…the lot is .78 of an acre. It backs up to the elementary school. Trees up close to the house and the rest of the lot open. Nice vegetable garden already in and some fruit trees. Several sheds were along the back of the lot for the lawn and garden equipment. We went from that one to a ranch that is smaller than ours. They enclosed the back of their garage so that you could get to the basement from inside the house…something I want to do with ours. Always a good idea to see what is out there, I suppose. Both realtors said that they were having no trouble selling houses in our area. The second realtor looked it up and said the average for our subdivision is about a month on the market. We’ve got a lot of work to do before we even consider putting it on the market!

It was rainy pretty much off and on all weekend…and then the storms hit big Sunday night and Monday morning. There’s a chance for rain every day this week. Hoping the basement continues to stay dry!

Today has been a pretty good day. There’s nothing stellar to report. We’re having ravioli for dinner tonight and then homework to read and prep for class tomorrow night. I’m looking forward to it because we get an interests evaluation…and since my interests are fairly broad, this should be a good thing!


At August 17, 2009 at 5:25 PM , Blogger Ruth Marlatt said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. I would like to go to the market sometime.

At August 17, 2009 at 6:51 PM , Blogger Sissy said...

I was thinking the same thing. It goes through the end of October...when you are out next spring we will have to go!


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