08 November 2009

I'm supposed to be cleaning...

George is napping and Eric is at the grocery store. I'm supposed to be cleaning but thought I'd do a VERY quick update.

I'm being asked to help out with the children's ministries council at church. I'd love to say yes, but not sure I have the time. I'll have to ask about expectations and time commitment.

The announcement came out at work. I'm now over all of CDA...Imaging Services, Data Entry and Forms Control. Debbie is moving to head up the Project Assistant group. A lot to learn and I'm not sure I want to learn it, but I have no choice.

Currently listening to "No Impact Man" on CD. It's interesting. I'd like to give it a try sometime. Think I will continue listening and take smaller steps.

Updated the picture...it's my turn! ;-) And George is sooooo not a baby any more. My guy can count to 3! Sometimes we make it to 4...and after 4? Well, silly, BUS comes after 4! Didn't you know that?!?!?

Off for now! Have to make some sort of progress before Eric gets home!


At November 8, 2009 at 9:47 PM , Blogger Jenn said...

When did our kids grow up?

At November 9, 2009 at 6:40 PM , Blogger Sissy said...

I know...how can they be so big and so little at the same time?


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