20 March 2010


Snow...and it's still coming down!  This time of year drives me nuts...I'm never sure which way I'm going wardrobe-wise!  The weather today is snowy and by Tuesday it is supposed to be in the mid-60s.  That is a good thing because work is doing an outdoor teambuilding exercise on The Plaza...it's an outside group coming in and they do an Amazing Race type thing...I am looking forward to it!

So, in light of the spring weather, I've been doing quite a bit of cleaning.  My desk at work is getting to be in reasonable order considering the massive amount going on at the moment.  My living room, kitchen and dining room have been holding their own for the past week/week and a half.  Even George's room and our room aren't doing too bad! 

Now...do I dare open the door to the craft room and see if I can sort that room without destroying the rest of the house?  It wouldn't be so bad, but I am kind of in the mood to sew...and that is hard to do when you can't get to the sewing machine.


At March 22, 2010 at 8:50 AM , Blogger Ruth Marlatt said...

Sorry about the snow...it will be gone soon. So glad you found the "new" pants! I will be there in May to help with the craft room if you want to wait that long. :)


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