Ponderings and such
My annual blog post?
So, I am going to make an effort to post daily for the next month. I need to get back into writing of some sort and this is a quick and easy way to do it.
School started for George on Friday. It was a half day and he has Mrs. McBride. We are excited for the 4th grade. He was making really good progress at the end of the school year last year and through out the summer in the summer learning loss prevention program. I hope he can pick up where he left off. I am actively searching through Pinterest and online in general for tips and tricks to help him succeed this year.
In light of the above, have been discussing goals in our house over this weekend. He has decided that he would like to make A/B Honor Roll. This is a very Specific goal. It is easily measurable. I am not sure how to implement the Actionable portion. I will discuss this with his teacher. I do know that, at a minimum, we are going to break it down to weekly check ups and see what adjustments might need to be made as we go along. As far as Reasonable...well, I am not sure how reasonable this goal is. He struggles a lot academically. BUT, I don't want to tell him that this goal is out of reach for him. He's a smart kid. We just need to get him to a place where he can focus. The ADHD diagnosis and medication has helped. But what worked impacted his appetite and he lost a LOT of weight. So, we moved to a non-stimulant medication. We have not yet tested it in an academic setting. As far as Timely...well, I would like to put a 1st Quarter timeline on it. If he can do it 1st Quarter then he can certainly do it 2nd Quarter. BUT if he doesn't make it 1st Quarter then what? Do we kick the can down the road? How do I help him? Do we hire a tutor?
In case you are wondering about the above...the above is an example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal. I was first introduced to this type of goal setting in the corporate world and now find it everywhere. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable and Timely. A good goal need to be all of these. George and I are also going to work on sub-goals to help bolster the overall goal. I don't know what those will look like until I speak with his teacher.
I am also working on some goals for myself, too...but nothing concrete, yet. Still pondering. When I come up with said goals, I will share them.
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