11 April 2012

Trail Committee

Interesting meeeting.  I'm the only woman in the group besides the hospital COOs assistant.  There are some concerns with time lines and what the City requires vs. what we think they need and what detail level is expected at each stage.  They are getting some clarification on that.  We are meeting the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30.  We'll have dinner for reals next time...not just the finger food we got tonight.  Good coffee, though!

I'm meeting with three other gentlemen on the historical sub-committee, so we can attempt to hammer out some of the details re: the "nodes" along the trail.  I'm looking forward to learning more about the area.  I know my Ohio history much better than I know my Kansas history.  I'd like for George to have  knowledgable parentS and so I am jumping in with both feet.  I've already learned quite a bit about this area from just listening to Darby talk...it's very cool.


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