09 November 2010

Keeping up!

It was a happy Monday morning in the Donner house…despite the loss of the Chiefs to the Raiders in OT Sunday night. (BOO! HISS!) George slept in until around 7, which, considering the time change is phenomenal! I was able to be up and into the shower before he woke up…so Eric dressed the little guy. (In a pair of his “new” pants from Grandma Cheryl.) All the pants she had were actually 4T’s but there were a pair or two that ended up fitting around the waist and were okay length-wise…a little long, but not bad at all!

My Monday Thanks is for the location of work. I am very thankful that we are able to live close to our place of employment. I know so many people with huge, ugly commutes and I am very, very grateful that we don’t have to deal with that. I am also thankful that daycare is on the way to work so that we don’t have to drive out of our way to drop George off and pick him up. And another thing I am thankful for is that Joann’s is right next door…so I can pick up fusible web and other supplies for Christmas presents after work and not have to do a bunch of massive planning to get it and get George. :)

We had spaghetti for dinner Monday night…something nice and easy that everybody likes and doesn’t make the kitchen into a HUGE disaster area. Always a plus! And I had a chance to finally get started on my stocking stuffers for the swap. Soooo excited. I just hope everyone likes them. It was nice to cut squares while watching DWTS…I could cut during the filler stuff and judges comments (except for Bruno…you HAVE to actually watch Bruno) and scoring and take a “break to watch the dances.

Tuesday was a bit of a rocky start…George woke right before the alarm clock. (You know, the alarm clock we set not for the time we really want to wake up, but the alarm clock we set so that we can hit snooze twenty times before we HAVE to get up.) He wanted “daddy’s bed”…so I brought him in to snuggle and he went back to sleep! Had to wake him up once we were ready to go…and he picked out his clothes, this time 4T pants and shirt that are too big! It was a pick your battles kind of morning. He doesn’t look THAT bad.

I accomplished a lot at work today! Yahooooo! Feeling better about what I am doing, this is a good thing. Today I’m going to get my fabric together and cut more squares! Hoping I can do these while watching the elimination? I’d like to use my cutting mat, but the table I have near the TV isn’t quite big enough. I may use George’s coloring table…yeah, that’s the ticket!

Tuesday, I am thankful for free coffee at work. There should be no need to explain!


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