07 November 2010

Yay for a new (to me) freezer!

I'm so happy with my new freezer.  I don't have much to put into it yet...but am anxiously looking forward to turkey and ham and loading 'er up!

George only took a brief nap today and that is not a happy thing.  I, of course, had a list of things I wanted to do while he was napping.  I wanted to go to Joann's and purchase some fusible web and get a good start on my Christmas stuff.  Barring that, I wanted to catch the Chief's game...since we're playing the Raiders...but now we are watching Cars.  Again.  And I don't think he has ever made it more than half-way through the movie.  maybe someday we'll see the end.

I think I'm happy to go with being thankful for the rental truck and new (to me) appliances...but I'm also thankful for asprin...because I've got a whopper of a headache going too!


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