04 November 2010

And today...

Today I am thankful for bedtime.  I would be more thankful if he wasn't using every delaying tactic in the book, but that doesn't mean that I am not thankful that there is bedtime!

In other news...I signed up to do a stocking stuffer swap with a bunch of internet friends who I have never met.  I am so hoping that they all like and enjoy what I make.  Oh and I have to have these made and in the mail by December 8th.  Did I mention that my sewing and craft room is a mess?  Did I mention that I need a sewing table?  Did I mention that I also have another 4 large projects for the nephews and George that I need to get done by Christmas?  Oh and Mom is coming to visit.  Oh and George's birthday falls in the midst of this, too.


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