Okay...It's been a while
I know, I know. It's been forever and a freakin' day. I'd apologize, but I'm really not all that sorry. I've started a new job at the same company and I like it. HOWEVER, it is taking me much longer to pick it up than I thought it would...to the frustration of all those involved. I'm now dreaming of some sort of quasi-retirement in 2 years and 9 months when George goes to Kindergarten and the cost goes from $211 a week for daycare to $250 a month for all say Kindergarten.
Quasi-retirement? Yeah, I'm a dreamer. I wouldn't mind a part-time FUN job. Not sure exactly what that would be, but I'm on the burn-out trail and can't seem to shake it. I know it's about 95% mental...and right now I don't have the mental strength to fight it.
Halloween was a huge hit at our house this year. George decided that he wanted to be a helicopter. I tried to talk him out of it. It didn't work. I had a friend come through with a picture of another helicopter costume and I improved upon it a bit and TA-DA...
I have one very happy Trick or Treater!
This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the fall...but I don't really care for the leaves all that much. I like the smells and the "harvest". I'm making pumpkin puree right now for my pumpkin bread. Yes, I know that "they" say you shouldn't use regular pumpkins...but you know what? I've done it for years...for bread not for pies. The pumpkin bread hides the texture better and I just add more brown sugar to make up for some of the loss in sweetness that you don't get with a regular pumpkin.
So...Thanksgiving. I'm going to attempt to list my "thankfuls for" here each day this month. I know I'm behind, but I think I can come up with 3 to get me on the right track! ;)
1.) I'm thankful for a little boy with a creative and determined mind. Really...a helicopter! :)
2.) I'm thankful for a relatively peaceful passing of the guard each and every election, even if the outcome scares me. Really...Sam Brownback AND Kris Kobach. Sheeesh.
3.) I'm thankful for a job even if I am struggling with it right now.
What are you thankful for?
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