After George's birthday party things started picking up speed heading into the holidays! It was a bit crazy around here and we are just now starting to settle into something resembling "normal"...although, I'm not sure what that really is anymore!
So, December brought a flurry of birthdays (George, Great Grandma Donner and Cousin Charlie) all before Christmas. George had his 2 year Dr. appointment, we also had his parent teacher conference (yes, at daycare for a 2 year old!) and then the trip to Ohio for Christmas with the family! So, had to get work in order before I took off for the week and we are also gearing up for performance reviews and the year end stuff, so December was jam-packed.
Birthday's all went well. It was very fun to watch George "get" Charlie's birthday. He now understands openning presents even if he doesn't understand that they aren't all his! :-) We're working on it. He helped Great Grandma Donner blow out her birthday candles and did a really good job! Parent Teacher conference was also good. Ms. Ranjana told us that George is a "perfect 2 year old". He loves Ms. Ranjana...and I think George is pretty high up on her list, too. Sadly, the birthday means he leaves the toddler room and moves up to the 2's.
He's doing well. The class is more structured than the toddler room is, but George seems to be thriving. We get notes about how he's doing every day and so far, so good. He's started to be able to tellus a little bit about his day at school when we have dinner. They discussed pets this past week and on Wednesday "big dogs" was the subject. At dinner we asked what they talked about at school and he started talking about Gramma's...makes sense because there were 3 big dogs when we visited grandma Ruth's at Christmas. He's also started just randomly throwing out every word that he knows when trying to "make conversation" very sweet and amusing!
Christmas at home was wonderful. I had a chance to see a lot of people I hadn't seen in a while. Went to church for Christmas Eve service...and spent it in the basement because George didn't like the idea of sitting through the whole thing. So, I got to listen through the speakers down there...that really don't work well. If I ever win the lotto, I think a better speaker system for the nursery is in order! Then we came home and made Christmas cookies for Santa. Actually, Annie, Mae and George did the decorating. It was quite a joyous experience to watch the 3 of them together. George loves his cousins!
This year the dogs didn't scare him once he got used to them. He liked giving them "hucks" and wants to touch. He also laughs and yells, "Gittem, buppy, gittem!" Not entirely sure where it's coming from but I think gittems are licks? He asked about Gramma and the puppies on the way up to the airport...and did a great job travelling on the plane. We did have a bit of a delay at the airport because our big bag was 3 pounds over the weight limit. She wanted us to move stuff tot he other bag, but the other bag was packed full. So, I took out a pair of jeans and two sweatshirts and was able to fit that into the freebie bag that I won in the Trival Pursuit Game of the Unknown Gift. It is now known as the magic bag...the thing also held my winter coat, hat and scarf. If you could see this little bag, you wouldn't believe it!
We arrived back in KC to a BUNCH of snow and it took us a bit to get back from the airport. We pulled into the driveway and had to walk through calf deep snow to get into the house. Then lug the luggage (hm...just realised the root is the same!) and everything through to get into the house without getting it all snow soaked. The extended Donner family Christmas at Uncle George and Aunt Christy's was delayed due to weather, so we were able to attend on Sunday. Well, we got stuck in our driveway. So, Eric and I took turns shovelling and pushing and driving and what not. George sat in his carseat in the back of the car and cheered us on. "Shuble, Shuble! Go, Daddy, go!" He's a little confused though, because now if I am in the passenger seat and Daddy isn't in the car he still cheers...even if daddy is just putting gas in the car!
We had our family Christmases last Sunday. We did ours at home and the went to Eric's mom and dad's. It was a good day and a good start to the new year. George seemed to like his gifts and we now have a lot of things that we need to make some room for.
That would seem to transition well into New Year's Resolutions and goals. Well, I made some, but I'm not entirely happy with them. I have goals that I have set throughout the year, but usually use New Year's to sharpen the focus a bit and to drop those that aren't working and reevaluate where I am. This year was and is a bit rough. So, I'll be revisiting at some point and will repost a New Year's resolutin list at some point...but look for it more in April when I do my annual "Me Day."
Hugs and love to All in 2010!