25 August 2017

Finishing out the week

Last night we had our first Pack Meeting of the year.  It was also the night to sign up for scouting for the newbies.  It went well.  I think we added 12 new scouts to the Pack.  We apparently had a goal of 15...so it ended up being a pretty good turnout. A couple people left with packets but didn't fill them out, so there's a chance (slim chance) we could add a few more.

George and friends were running around afterward while the adults cleaned up, made sure paperwork was in order and took care of the money issues. I am Treasurer currently and this was my first go at an "event" without the previous Treasurer around to hold my hand.  It went well.  I do need to make a deposit at the bank in the morning, though.

Last night, George woke up multiple times with a sore throat and stuffy nose.  I gave him allergy meds and Tylenol.  He wasn't feeling too fantastic this morning, so we made a trip to the Dr.  The answer is Allergies.  I was afraid it could be something more since we are back to school.  The doctor didn't rule that out entirely but felt that the lack of fever indicated more allergy than anything else and she also didn't see anything that would lead her to believe it might be strep.  So Zyrtec it is!

Dropped him off at school after the appointment, so he did manage to make the majority of the school day, thankfully.  He said he had a decent day...but when I went through his backpack he had a Math sheet that had 5 points out of 25.  I don't know what day the sheet was assigned.  But we will be reviewing it tomorrow.  George wanted to wait until he had a good night sleep so that he wouldn't be so grumpy.

Mom called his afternoon and she got her first letter from George yesterday!  She had some questions about his science experiments.  We will probably give her a call tomorrow and George can fill in the gaps.


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