The rest of the week
We did great for the rest of the week. He managed to get up and out with a little foot dragging, but not the mini-meltdown that was going on before. I'll take it as a win!
Friday night was bumpy. He didn't want to do his 10-20 minutes of reading out loud. I gave him the night off. I mentioned that he needs to learn to read and understand stories on his own because mom and dad won't read to him forever. You would have thought I stabbed him through the heart! He looooves being read to, and I know this...I just didn't think my saying this would feel like I was beating up on him! So, I told him we would continue to read to him, but that he needs to also read for himself. Still a battle.
Today we headed to Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead. It was a fun time...I had forgotten that the baby goats are all named after Harry Potter characters! We found George Weasley and the George's had their pictures taken together. Some day I want to go and just look at the gardens and flowers. It's never going to happen with the boys with me! It was very hot today and Eric was miserable and there was no way the gardens would hold George's interest in the heat.
We left Deanna Rose and went to the library. We had a book with a request that needed to be returned and I had one on hold to pick up...and wouldn't you know, Baskin Robbins is just down the street...almost on our way home, even. With the heat, it just made sense to stop and have a bit of a treat. We got home, wrote our sentence to Grandma and took some zoning time...
Oh! On Friday I also received an email from George's teacher saying that he had a good week and that she wouldn't have any grades to post because they mostly did testing this week. Good news!
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