Boring Life
And that's not a bad thing! Lot's of stuff going on and yet, it's nothing too exciting. The job is going okay. Still working on getting everything transitioned, BUT I actually start for real training on my new job next week.
I graduated two weeks ago...but I have yet to finish classes. The end is in sight, though, and for that I am thankful. I'm seriously interested in getting my Master's...but NOT NOW! I need a break!
Eric and I are starting the process of starting a kitchen remodel. We are looking at selling this house in the next 6 months or so and are hoping that making the kitchen more functional will help the house to sell. There's a lot of space, but no counter or cupboard space...not a functional kitchen spatially. I'm hoping we can do this and not spend an arm and a leg...we shall see.
On the George front...counting is going great. I have to pay attention because he occasionally asks for things in Spanish. His school has a program where they teach he says please and thank you and counts and ask for water in both Englis and Spanish. Kind of cool!
Also cool is the buying of the big boy underwear this weekend. School has a couple of other little ones that are starting potty training and they seem to think that peer pressure will be a good thing in this situation. Also, once potty trained, he will move up to the next class...and since the class below has a bunch of younger ones moving up, his teacher thinks he will quickly become bored with all the "babies" in his class. So the potty training starts.
He has been pooping on the potty...and telling me when he has to go...about 90% of the time. This is a good thing and I hope that the process will go smoothly. The funny of his classmates, Autumn, is the daughter of the director of the daycare and she has started potty training, too. The director stopped us on the way in the other morning and told us that George and Autumn had a huge conversation about pottying that was really funny...something along the lines of, "I poop on the potty." "I poop on the potty, too." "You poop on the potty?" "I poop from my bottom into the toilet." "I poop in the toilet, too." Great and riveting conversation in the Two's Room.
Oh, and someday soon I will post a picture of the blue clay horse that George made in class. It is quite the masterpiece! :)
Off and running to the busy day ahead.