Playing catch up
Wow. It's been quite a while. Sorry about that...I know all 4 of you have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for an update.
So, school is finished! YAY! It's a qualified finished. I am done with my core classes. I have a grand total of 7 upper level credits to finish before they will send me the piece of paper. *sigh* So very, very close!
A while back...first part of June, I think, day care had a group ticket rate for the Royals...and, as luck would have it, they were playing the Tigers! Wasn't sure which way to go! It was a very fun time. George loved the big "isawya" (that's his word for television...we don't have a clue why). He ate pretzels and cracker jacks and had lemonade and a frozen chocolate shake...and we made it through the 7th inning! He did GREAT! And now when we talk about baseball he puts his little fingers together and makes a diamond shape and asks if we're going to the baseball diamond! :) Too cute.
Potty training is going very well. He is soooooo close to being all the way there. You still have to ask him if he has to go...except for in the morning. He's waking up from naps and night-time dry. He's made it through several days this week at school without an accident! I am so pround of my little boy! We're now working on the whole peeing standing up thing. He's been doing everything sitting down but he has started standing up before he's totally finished, so I thought maybe being able to see what was going on would be a good thing? We'll see!
My 39th birthday was this past Saturday. It was a good day. It started off poorly but ended up being good. George woke up at 12:30am with a fever, gave him meds and brought him to bed with us. He slept sideways with his feet in my ribs. Lovely. He then woke up feeling perfectly fine and seemingly rested at 5am. Told me he had to go potty. He peed in the potty and then pooped on the floor next to the potty. Terrific start to the day. So, I get that cleaned up. We watch the "isawya" and then I remember that we are to meet at Joe and Cheryl's at 8:30am so we can go Grandma Donner's house and move furniture. So, I get George dressed and jump in the shower.
While I'm in the shower, Eric's dad calls and says that he is taking Cheryl to the ER because she is having trouble keeping even water down, she's got a fever and is lethargic. We still need to meet at their house to pick up Chris but they aren't going. So, we leave and pick up Chris. Then drive to Grandma Donner's (despite the highway being closed because they had to blow up a bridge...we had trouble getting anywhere without running into detours) and meet up with Big George, Jeremy and Anne. We have the china cabinet that is being given to Cheryl and I have two desks and chairs to go with. While I;m there I'm surprised to find that there's buffet that still need a home. It has been painted a *lovely* shade of green. I can't wait to strip it and see what is under all that! At any rate, we brought it all to Joe and Cheryl's and unloaded it into the garage...because we haven't closed on the new house yet...which is another story in and of itself!
Cheryl had offered to watch George while went out to dinner...and with her being ill, I just figured that it wouldn't happen. She apologized and I assured her that it was fine. She definitely would have rather had George instead! So, Anne overheard and volunteered to take him...and Jeremy reminded her that they had his nieces softball games to go to in Olathe. But they were okay with taking him with them as long as we were okay with it! So, that evening, we moved the carseat over and off they went. We went to Hereford House and had a fantastic meal...and I only had my own food to cut! It was great!
George came home filthy and tired! I cleaned him up with a couple of wipes and we put him to bed. Bath and a change of sheets happened first thing Sunday morning.
So, I mentioned the house situation. We are purchasing a new home, for those who are not aware. It's not far from where we are now. Full/finished basement, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, beautiful kitchen, great room, living room and dining room. This process has not been without it's bumps...and we are not through yet. As soon as we are closed and moved, I'll post some pics!
That's it for now. I keep thinking that someday I'll have something really cool to post. I guess I shouldn't hold my breath! HA! :0)