23 January 2011

And another week...

Another week down!

Monday went well.  I had a meeting out for dinner and had a glorious time.  Decent Mexican food, a beer and good company...and Eric got to put George to bed!  :)  It worked well...and it was better on Tuesday and even better on Wednesday.  He's been doing great with going to bed...and he's doing okay with staying in bed.  There have still been some trips in to Mommy and Daddy's bed, but not nearly as many.

My house is looking pretty good.  Which is wonderful because I'm hosting a party here on Friday night and I really don't want to spend too much time going crazy with cleaning!  Everything is pretty managable at the moment.  I still need to get floors done and work on the craft room and the spare bedroom, but everything else is great.

In crafty news...I manaaged to finish one project I had going.  I now have a Valentine's wreath hanging over my fireplace.  I made it.  It looks nice...and George is very proud of it for me!  "Mommy maked that."  :D

I messed up my back last week.  We had a lot of snow on Wednesday and it made the drive home more than twice as long as normal.  Eric was driving, but I still must have tensed up or something because I was a little uncomfortable on Thursday, but could hardly stand or sit on Friday.  It was so bad that I left work and had Eric take me to the Chiropractor.  I feel much better now...still some moments of discomfort, but definitely much much better.

Off to bed with me!

15 January 2011

2011: The Year I Become a Seriously Fun Grown Up

Hi!  It's been awhile.  The holidays and George's birthday and all of that mess help to keep me distracted and not as on top of things as I would like!

So...a late Happy New Year to you!  I am going to make an attempt at explaining this post title...it probably won't make much sense to most, but I'm gonna try anyway!  ;)

I am one of those crazy people who does New Year's Resolutions.  I don't write them in stone...and I prefer to think of them as goals.  The new year is the perfect time for this.  You're changing over the calendar.  It's a new beginning...kind of like the feeling I get when I open a brand new note pad...but I also have a thing for office and school supplies, so *ahem*...where was I?  Oh, yes, new beginning.  I was looking at some basic things that I want to change about myself and I came to the conclusion that I am an adult where I should be more kid-like and more kid-like where I should be an adult.  I take parts of life waaaaay too seriously and I need to actively seek out areas here I can play and show my silly side.  At the same time, there re a lot of things that I let slide...like I'm a kid waiting for a parent to come take over.  2011 is the year where I find the balance between the two areas.  I played with different titles and Become a Grown Up and Learn How to Play came close...but Become a Fun Grown Up was closer...even though it wasn't quite right.  I like the Seriously Fun part because I think you can read it two different ways and that fits what I need it to do!

In other Resolutions:  Blog once a week (even if it is just silly stuff.), fewer meals out, a crafty-sewing type project once per month.  I think that's it!  I'll re-evaluate in April!