A new week has begun
This weekend was pretty laid back. We didn't go an do...we stayed home and worked in the yard. We have two gates to the back yard from the front. One is by the garage and the other is out the front..."down the hill". The gate down the hill is at the lowest point in the yard and, it appears, is in the path of a natural drainage swale. Unfortunately, this swale was overrun with water a few weeks ago when we got 6.5 inches of rain in the span of a few hours. There was about 6 inches of silt built up over the pavers put down at the pass through...and then an additional 6-8 inches of sticks, pine needles, leaves and other debris that were caught up against the closed gate.
I spend a few hours removing the built up silt and debris from the pavers and walk through. I also found some leftover garden edging and used those to make a barrier around the pavers. Nothing is going to stop 6 inches of rain, but maybe this will catch the debris before it hits the gate? Since I spent a bit of time out there, I also noticed how poorly the grass grows under the trees there. There are also a lot of weeds in the general vicinity. I am contemplating landscaping the area with some good under tree plantings. It would stop us from attempting to mow dirt and weeds and provide a prettier border between our yards.
So, while I'm dreaming...the plantings I put in at the front of the house where the living room window is...all but one of those trees and shrubs have died. :( So...I was thinking about how much I like to sit on the stoop and drink my coffee in the mornings and then I thought...well, could I make this area more of a patio area? I could maybe pull some pavers from the back yard. There are quite a few that are buried in ivy back there. I could put the pavers down (and slant them away from the house for better drainage) and put the small table and chairs that are on the back deck by the chiminea out front. Then I could look out at the front plantings between the two houses...
Oh so many ideas...
Correction to last post...George got 2.5 out of 5. I misread the scoring on the sheet. It seems that part of his issue was not writing out the place value. 40 hundreds + 40 thousands...he left off the hundreds and thousands and that makes a HUGE difference. I showed him his letter grade in Skyward this morning and told him that one grade does not make the school year...he's got a good shot at figuring it out and getting it back on track. Here's hoping!