Labor Day
We have a 9 year old who believes the rules don't apply to him. This makes me very disappointed! He knows that he is not supposed to turn on a screen before 8am on weekends. He was up early and on a screen well before 8. He knows the rules. He chose to break them and I am now figuring out how to deal. I don't want to take the screen away for the entire day, but there needs to be a consequence.
I'm also a little grumpy. George woke up last night with itch bug bites around midnight. got that taken care of and then I had to get up at 3am to get the pork in the oven so we can have pulled pork for dinner tonight. This is the recipe I am following this recipe. A lot of favorable reviews! Now I just need to get my kitchen (and the rest of the house clean) before 2:30. Family should be here around 3.
Have an enjoyable and relaxing Labor Day.