04 September 2017

Labor Day

We have a 9 year old who believes the rules don't apply to him.  This makes me very disappointed!  He knows that he is not supposed to turn on a screen before 8am on weekends. He was up early and on a screen well before 8.  He knows the rules. He chose to break them and I am now figuring out how to deal.  I don't want to take the screen away for the entire day, but there needs to be a consequence.

I'm also a little grumpy.  George woke up last night with itch bug bites around midnight.  got that taken care of and then I had to get up at 3am to get the pork in the oven so we can have pulled pork for dinner tonight. This is the recipe I am following this recipe. A lot of favorable reviews!  Now I just need to get my kitchen (and the rest of the house clean) before 2:30.  Family should be here around 3.

Have an enjoyable and relaxing Labor Day.

03 September 2017

Last week

The iPads have come home from school!  George was happy and we are in the routine for getting it on the charger every night and in the backpack every morning...We have had an issue with screen sensitivity.  It isn't very sensitive.  You want to see a kid frustrated with technology?  Have him do his math and see that he has to write numbers or part of numbers over up and exceeding 3 times before the writing will take on the screen.  :(  We tried it with a stylus and with just his finger to similar results.   So...I let his teacher know and she said it seems to be the case with almost all of the class and that she is having issues with hers, too.

He has gotten two grades on homework so far.  An F on a math worksheet.  (The 2.5 out of 5 I posted about, earlier) and a B on an English assignment.  We have talked about it and he knows he can bring his math grade up, he just needs to do his best work in class.  He's pretty pleased with the B in English, so far.

I got up before everyone else this morning in hopes of heading out for a walk...and as I put my shoes on Eric came downstairs.  I told him I was going for a walk and as I poured my coffee to take with me, George came down.  So much for a quiet morning!  At least my walk was fairly quiet. I drank my coffee.  Saw a Red-tailed Hawk, Goldfinch, Cardinal, Blue Jay, and maybe a wren?  I don't have a decent enough camera on my phone to catch good pictures.  Maybe next time I'll bring my binoculars.