Been A Bit
It's been a bit since I updated. Still no announcement from work and life goes on.
George has been doing some pretty funny things lately. There's a board on the wall at his school where they write birthdays and each month has a different picture with an Apple in September and a Pumpkin in October. He has finally figured out the difference between apples and pumpkins and it has been a fun thing to watch him grasp. One of the pictures is a fish. He knows what a fish is...we have a book about Bob the Fish so it isn't a new one, but he doesn't know scarecrow or snowman. At any rate, we were pointing at things and asking him what they were...and when we got to the fish, he looked at Eric like, "Hello? Is she dumb?" and said plain as day, "It is a fish." The "duh." afterward was implied.
He likes his "colors" right now. Anything that writes is a "color." Can't get him on board with this crayon business! He has also started telling us when he has gone or is going potty. Kind of nice. He has a fascination with toilets, too. Don't think we are anywhere near ready for potty training...but it is fun to dream about not buying diapers! :)
We are getting ready for my high school class reunion. I can't believe it has been 20 years! I'm in touch with some people on facebook and am enjoying doing some catching up with everyone. It should be interesting to compare this with the last one...and compare mine to Eric's 10 year! The difference between his school and mine. Oy! His high school had more students than my hometown! It is crazy for me to think about the entire village fitting into his high school!
I need to get some stuff done around here before we leave. I'm so looking forward to the break in routine...not looking forward to George on the plane...but we will survive!