26 September 2009

Been A Bit

It's been a bit since I updated. Still no announcement from work and life goes on.

George has been doing some pretty funny things lately. There's a board on the wall at his school where they write birthdays and each month has a different picture with it...like an Apple in September and a Pumpkin in October. He has finally figured out the difference between apples and pumpkins and it has been a fun thing to watch him grasp. One of the pictures is a fish. He knows what a fish is...we have a book about Bob the Fish so it isn't a new one, but he doesn't know scarecrow or snowman. At any rate, we were pointing at things and asking him what they were...and when we got to the fish, he looked at Eric like, "Hello? Is she dumb?" and said plain as day, "It is a fish." The "duh." afterward was implied.

He likes his "colors" right now. Anything that writes is a "color." Can't get him on board with this crayon business! He has also started telling us when he has gone or is going potty. Kind of nice. He has a fascination with toilets, too. Don't think we are anywhere near ready for potty training...but it is fun to dream about not buying diapers! :)

We are getting ready for my high school class reunion. I can't believe it has been 20 years! I'm in touch with some people on facebook and am enjoying doing some catching up with everyone. It should be interesting to compare this with the last one...and compare mine to Eric's 10 year! The difference between his school and mine. Oy! His high school had more students than my hometown! It is crazy for me to think about the entire village fitting into his high school!

I need to get some stuff done around here before we leave. I'm so looking forward to the break in routine...not looking forward to George on the plane...but we will survive!

17 September 2009

Change is the only constant

Change is the only constant.

Tuesday was Eric’s birthday. Unfortunately, my boss was in from North Carolina and so I had to lunch with her instead of with my husband on his birthday. To continue, my classes are on Tuesday nights, so…I saw Eric in the morning and then on break for a few minutes and then when we picked up George then I was off to school until 10:30. Eric and George did go out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa at the Green Mill. George did fine, but was upset when Grandpa tried to box his food up at the end. Eric thinks George was thinking that Grandpa was trying to steal his food! At any rate, I ate George’s leftovers when I got home….and they were yummy.

So, Tuesday afternoon, I had my first 1:1 with my new boss. I told her about school and how I was doing some reevaluating and that I was looking at making changes and if she could help me or provide guidance it would be greatly appreciated. And she listened and asked questions and I felt really good about the whole thing when it was over. Then Wednesday morning, she came in to the Forms Control Room and had a tour and asked questions about processes and procedures and how things work. This was the purpose of her visit, really, to get a better understanding of the two groups she does not have on her site…the Imaging Services team and the Forms Control Room. So, when mail came in, she moved over to the IS portion of the tour.

Wednesday afternoon, I am asked if I have a few minutes to meet with her in her office and I, of course, say yes. We sit and she tells me that XXX. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I want. However, there is no real choice in the matter. I say no and it looks very, very bad and prevents me from making a transition to the group where I ultimately want to be later on down the line. I’m not trained to make any jump now and so it’s not going to happen any time soon. XXXX

She did preface her request with “I know this isn’t what you want, but if you can do this for us short-term, I will see that we get you where you want to go ultimately.” No one seems to know how short short-term really is though. I asked and she doesn’t know. I have a feeling I’m looking at at least another year. In addition to this little change, which by the way, means XXX,I am also being asked to take on the role of Audit Subject Matter Expert. I know nothing about the auditing process, so I am training to learn all of that, too.
I’m kind of feeling like I am on overload. School, XXX, new role, and I’m helping out Line Manager Support Office to build a Global Tool-Kit. I’m trying to look at this as an opportunity, but I just really feel trapped.

I’m not supposed to be talking about any of this at the moment, so I’ve edited my post until official announcement has been made. I don’t know who from work could have made their way here from the FB account…so to err on the side of caution….

06 September 2009


He took another short nap. Was whine-y most of the day. Another pretty short nap. Had trouble getting him to sleep tonight...

Ummmm...massive buckets of drool, not overly interested in food, chewing on things, hand in mouth a LOT....

HE'S TEETHING!!!!!!!!!!!! He won't let me look to see and he's got so many teeth in there that I can't see well anyway. Teething tablets and a dose of Tylenol and he was asleep in less than a minute.

05 September 2009

An Odd Day

George is really causing us some fits! The last week or so, he hasn't been sleeping through the night. He's been waking up at 4am ready and rarin' to go. He hangs his blanket over the edge of the crib and tries to put his binky on the shelf. He can't reach and so he then tries to hand it to you...and if you don't take it he sticks it between the bed and the wall...lovely. He's also started to fight going ot bed. We have tried to adjust it back some thinking that might be part of the problem, but it hasn't seemed to make a difference. So, we're going to attempt to keep it where it is and see if less TV after dinner might make an impact. We have done some playing with how we do things and it so happens that he does MUCH better if Eric puts him down instead of me.

All of this is kind of a moot point because George just threw a major wrench into things with the schedule today. He (finally) slept all the way through the night last night and slept until 7am, which is really good. So I got up with him and we watched a bit of TV and had eggs for breakfast. Then George went to the library with Daddy while Mommy stayed home and cleaned. They got home around 11 and we had mac and cheese and a banana for lunch. (Okay, both Eric and I strongly dislike bananas, so George had a banana for lunch.) And then we put him down for his nap. It's the same schedule daycare uses and it's the one we have been on for a very long time...well, he sat in the crib and played and read for a little bit and the was done with that.

My plans for making bread were dashed. The child went to the grocery store with Daddy...while Mommy stayed home and started going through George's clothes for Fall. So, I thought he would come home tired. Not so much. We had dinner early because it looked like he was starting to get a bit tired. We had spaghetti, because it was quick and George likes it...except for tonight. Spaghetti is the worst thing on the planet, apparently.

He finished and we put him to bed. Night time diaper and everything. So, I decide, it's earlier than usual and I am going to use the time to bake bread. I read a recipe I have been interested in trying since Christmas...and realize that I need a 5 Qt. bowl with a lid. So, I tell Eric I'm running to Target. I find the bowl (the trip there wasn't nice since everyone seemed to be in some sort of hurry and wanted to ride my rear-end all the way there...and I was going 5mph over the limit.) I pay for the bowl, and I head home...only to be greated with "Mommeeeeee!"

I love my baby, but I really love him when he naps! :-) Seriously, he is showing no signs of slowing down and we are already a half an hour past his normal bedtime. I may not get to bake bread tonight. We tried the spaghetti a second time...without luck. He had another banana and a piece of store bought bread. The kitchen is now a ball field of some sort and he is having an absolute BLAST! I tried to get the camera, but he sees me and stops to smile!

Right now he's filling the food bowl for the cats and then trying to get Mystery to go eat by telling her to take bites. If you know my cat, this is really funny. He tried to pick her up and move her to the bowl, but to say that didn't go over well would be an understatement. Now he has the broom and is cleaning up his mess from filling the food bowl.

We are going to attempt bedtime, now. I'm not optimistic about how this will work, but we shall give it a go! I'll update later tonight or tomorrow!

******************* EDIT**********

He fought for a bit...required one "visit" and has been sleeping soundly since! Hope it's all night!