Goings ons...or something like that
I figured I'd better post before John does...he has a rep to protect in the slow to post/update realm... :-)
Lot's of things going on here. None of them too pleasant.
Last week I found out that one of the girls on my Baby Center mommies board died after giving birth to her second child. Katie was an awesome person...so very, very fun and outgoing. She had a true zest for life. Her husband, Jon, is a fighter pilot in the USAF and they are stationed in Italy. Katie's parents and younger sister flew to Italy earlier this week. A memorial service was held on base on Wednesday. The family will be arriving back in Colorado Springs on Monday and visitation will be on Tuesday with the funeral and burial on Wednesday. I so wish I could go. It seems kind of odd to be this close to someone I have never actually met in real life...I suppose that is a testament to what a truly amazing person Katie really was! Here is a link to the blog Katie kept to keep family and friends up to date. Jon is making a valiant effort to continue updating, too. http://www.babyhomepages.net/friedmanfamily/index.php
On a slightly more positive note, there are about 7 girls from our group who are going to be able to attend! The flight arranging, reservation making and car and car seat details have been fast and furious, but they have it under control. Everyone is very excited about being able to see each other face-to-face...and we know Katie would be very, very pleased that she's the one who got it all going. Now we are making plans to do a get-together next spring (potentially in Chicago!) hopefully, without a funeral.
This weekend has been a busy one so far and is showing no signs of slowing. Grandma Donner moved into an apartment in an assisted living/retirement community. We spent this morning at the Donner homestead packing up things and loading the truck. It was mentioned that Grandma and Grandpa moved into that house 55 years ago yesterday. How's that for timing!?!? Moving out one day after 55 years!?!?! I am so hopeful that this move will be a great positive for her. She has several very nice neighbors (George introduced himself to everyone and tried to share his cookie with one older gentleman...he also found his way down the hall and to the dining room and beauty parlor and played out in the courtyard in his bright orange coat! We have one worn out baby!) She will have a cleaning service on Fridays and they come and empty her trash on Saturday. She has a small kitchen so she can make a couple of meals in her apartment, but she also has one meal a day in the dining room. It is a Catholic facility so Mass will be held on-site and she should be able to get there without too much difficulty. I guess Eric said she hadn't been making the effort to go recently, and that is troubling for me. Social interaction, less housekeeping and smaller space, new friends and an ability to get back into attending church...all pluses in my book!
Tomorrow we will again be spending the day with the Donner family as we are celebrating big George's 1 year "lungiversary"! So far, so good! He was able to help with the move and I know he feels good about that. Can't wait to see the rest of the clan tomorrow. We had a couple of no shows for the move today!
There isn't much else to add. The news at work still isn't official. I still don't want what is coming to me...and figure I have to do this until June at the minimum so that I can get reimbursed for school. After that, I don't know what my next steps will be.
This past week has passed in a blur for me. I feel drained on a lot of levels and know I need sleep...it's getting the good sleep that is the issue!