Hope everyone is having a happy Valentine's Day. Eric and I don't typically do anything special. We used to go out an grab a burger somewhere. This year I'm making crockpot chicken and dumplings. Cake mixes were on sale, so I made a chocolate cake and decorated it for the "holiday".
We were totally out classed at daycare for Valentine's Day. We did cards and I attached a jolly rancher lollipop. Well, a couple of kids had gift bags...like bubbles and a matchbox car and three kinds of candy. It was crazy! Sure there are only 7 kids in his class...but man! I would have brought in cupckaes or something but they don't want anyone to bring in homemade stuff any more. How sad. I understand the principle, I suppose, but I think it's really a shame.
I need to get the house picked up. Daycare is closed tomorrow for teacher training and Eric's mom and dad are going to watch George...this could be interesting! They are starting out at our house, hence the need to clean. George has been so wound up today that it isn't even funny. I hope that he calms down some for tomorrow.
Short and boring, that's me...maybe someday I'll have the opportunity to work on making entertaining posts. Right now, I have a house to clean and part of I Kings, Proverbs, Isaiah, Amos and Micah to read...and all of Ecclesiastes. This class could have been interesting. Unfortunately, it is boring and the man teaching it has an ego that makes it almost unbearable.
Off to get going. Love to all on Valentine's Day.