20 March 2010


Snow...and it's still coming down!  This time of year drives me nuts...I'm never sure which way I'm going wardrobe-wise!  The weather today is snowy and by Tuesday it is supposed to be in the mid-60s.  That is a good thing because work is doing an outdoor teambuilding exercise on The Plaza...it's an outside group coming in and they do an Amazing Race type thing...I am looking forward to it!

So, in light of the spring weather, I've been doing quite a bit of cleaning.  My desk at work is getting to be in reasonable order considering the massive amount going on at the moment.  My living room, kitchen and dining room have been holding their own for the past week/week and a half.  Even George's room and our room aren't doing too bad! 

Now...do I dare open the door to the craft room and see if I can sort that room without destroying the rest of the house?  It wouldn't be so bad, but I am kind of in the mood to sew...and that is hard to do when you can't get to the sewing machine.

19 March 2010

To the return clerk at Home Depot:

I am returning/exchanging my item because it is defective. I bought the drill bits because I want to drill through tile without damaging the tile. For you to ask me if I "didn’t have a file at home" so that I could file off the burr on the side of the brand new drill bit was an insult. I purchased a product from your store to fix something. It is not reasonable that I should have to fix the new product before I can use it to fix something else.  I hope my snort of incredulous laughter as I told you NO was not too terribly offensive.

the snippy lady with the ansty two year old who waitied in line for over 20 minutes to be asked to fix her newly purchased merchandise.

btw:  the exchanged drill bits are excellent in quality and I DO appreciate you not making me wait in line a second time to complete the transaction.

01 March 2010

Lost again..

Well, my trophy is still lonely!  Uncle Jeremy took home the prize...and he managed to beat Steve M. to earn it!  It was a great game.  I did manage to make the final but came in 4th place out of 5.  I did manage to out last my FIL...and managed to stick around for about an hour after he left the game.

I received rave reviews for the treat I brought.  The promised quick and easy recipe...
Graham crackers
1 and 1/2 sticks of butter
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup of chopped nuts (I used pecans)
a handful of chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat over to 350.
Line a jelly roll pan with tin foil  (you need the edges cause you will be dumping stuff over and it will make a HUGE mess if you try a flat cookie sheet!)
Lay graham crackers out to cover bottom in a single layer.
Take 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter and melt on the stove top with 3/4 cup of brown sugar. 
Bring it to a boil for 2 minutes.
Add vanilla and nuts and stir.
Pour over the graham crackers...spread evenly.
Bake in oven for 10 minutes.
When done baking, remove from pan and set flat to cool.
Once cool, break into bite-sized bits.

If you want to add chocolate chips, toss them on after removing from the oven and they will melt on top...you can spread around or leave as is.

In other fun and exciting news, Anne and Jeremy are expecting!  George will be a cousin again around the end of October/begining of November!  Very exciting...they will be great parents!

In other not so fun and exciting news...George and I are home today because he has an ear infection.  Dr. can't see if both ears are inflammed...because the right one is blocked with wax, but she could tell that the left one is.  We are treating the infection in the one ear, so I saw no need to go through the hassel and mess of trying to flush the earwax out of the other.  George did well at the Dr. office.  We read a lot of books and colored a lot and looked at the fish a lot.  Then we left there and got the antibiotic filled.  I bought a packet of stickers for him because he was so good.  He did get a little confused by the lady handing me the bag with his medicine in it...and asked if it was burgers...Sooooo, we drove through McDonald's for lunch.  *sigh*

Love and Hugs!