11 April 2012

Trail Committee

Interesting meeeting.  I'm the only woman in the group besides the hospital COOs assistant.  There are some concerns with time lines and what the City requires vs. what we think they need and what detail level is expected at each stage.  They are getting some clarification on that.  We are meeting the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30.  We'll have dinner for reals next time...not just the finger food we got tonight.  Good coffee, though!

I'm meeting with three other gentlemen on the historical sub-committee, so we can attempt to hammer out some of the details re: the "nodes" along the trail.  I'm looking forward to learning more about the area.  I know my Ohio history much better than I know my Kansas history.  I'd like for George to have  knowledgable parentS and so I am jumping in with both feet.  I've already learned quite a bit about this area from just listening to Darby talk...it's very cool.

10 April 2012


I had a meeting at work today where I gave some training.  I thought it went well.  We will see how it all pans out, though!  I have my weekly 1:1 tomorrow afternoon and Eric will be out for lunch...so I am on my own from water on.  Might be a nice change up.  I'll bring some of the leftover spaghetti from Easter.

After work tomorrow I meet with the Trail Committee.  Here's a really high level overview of the situation.  The hospital wanted to expand to within 50 feet of our back property line.  They wanted to be that close AND put in a 5 story building...along with a parking garage.  The neighbors got together and lodged a successful protest of the plan.  Overland Park City Council was pro-expansion and pro-business and pro-hospital...BUT we were able to get them to see our side and they granted a continuance.  We were finally able to get the hospital to work with us to solve the problem of proximity but dressing the space and solving the "design" issue.  We will now have a walking trail along the back of our property that will connect with the existing park.  The hospital, neighbors, HOA, and historical society...along with the architects and landscape designers are all part of the "trail committee".  I am kind of excited by the possibilities!

Tonight I managed to get all of the dirt down in the front garden and started grading and attempted to create some swails.  I haven't a clue what I'm doing, though...I just know I have to get the water to run away from the house!  We need more dirt and it would be best if we could get it before it rains!  I'm kind of afraid that with what I have done right now, more water will run into the corner where the spigot is and it will cause us more problems than it will have solved.

George surprised us by showing us the words "the" and "if"...he can recognise them!  Sight words!  So cool!  He still doesn't recognise his own name like I think he should.  BUT he's just started drawing things with facial features and arms and legs, so that is really exciting.  I just wish that his temper and fits would stop. I know he has more good days than bad...but geesh!  These tantrums are draining!

09 April 2012

Another day

Eric went to the hardware after work to pick up some dirt so we can do some of the grading around the garage.  We've had water in the basement the last couple of times it has rained.  That is so not fun.  Forecast says 50% chance of rain for Thursday-Sunday...so I figure we'd better at least make an effort.  Even if it helps a little that would be great.

The kitchen is still a mess.  I'm tired.  I can't focus.  Coming home from work is rushing straight into making dinner, which goes straight into cleaning up, which goes into bath time and bedtime.  If we do a not so healthy dinner, I might have some time to go outside and work in the yard or play with George.  By the time we get through the evening stuff all I want to do is go to sleep. Is it any wonder that I can't seem to find time or energy to watch a TV show.  DWTS is about as far as I go...and I usually can't find the time to watch the results show. 

I lied.  I try to get some "me-time" in while making dinner and instead of focusing 100% on cooking and cleaning the kitchen, I'll get online and mess around.  It usually ends up with me distracted and dry, overcooked chicken or some such wondrous event.

Tomorrow I will update on a few things I've got going on.  I want to kind of give an overview of the hospital expansion situation and the resulting committee and the first meeting which will be held on Wednesday.  I've also been asked if I would be interested in potentially serving on the HOA board.  I'm tentatively thinking about it.  HOAs and I have a love/hate relationship.  I knew the rules before we bought the house and we don't disagree with them or we would have kept looking...and I would assume (or hope) that others would do the same.  However, it has also seemed kind of crazy to have an extra layer of legislative regulation.  I guess if you could count on your neighbors to all have the same taste and standards that you do, then HOAs wouldn't be necessary.  I guess my concern is that this one is sooo large.  Over 2300 homes!  It's got to be hard to hold that together!

Off to bed with me.  I need to get out of my funk!

08 April 2012

Almost a Year

A lot has changed in the past year....and yet things are remarkably still the same in a lot of ways!

  • Fight with the hospital re: expansion
  • I now know my neighbors (see above bullet point)
  • George is now 4 and has moved up a level at school
  • I'm 40(!)
  • The house is a consistent mess
  • We've started drinking soda again
The Same:
  • Still working at Quintiles
  • Still trying to figure stuff out
  • Still spending too much time on-line
  • Still loving my boys more than words here can describe!
Dad's Death Day was yesterday (April 7, 1984) and today is Easter.  Themes of endings and new beginnings seem to be everywhere...and isn't that part of what Spring is all about?  So it seems appropriate for me to start updating the blog again.  I'd like to blog once a day for the next month.  I think I can handle 30 days...and maybe 31 for good measure!