Eric went to the hardware after work to pick up some dirt so we can do some of the grading around the garage. We've had water in the basement the last couple of times it has rained. That is so not fun. Forecast says 50% chance of rain for I figure we'd better at least make an effort. Even if it helps a little that would be great.
The kitchen is still a mess. I'm tired. I can't focus. Coming home from work is rushing straight into making dinner, which goes straight into cleaning up, which goes into bath time and bedtime. If we do a not so healthy dinner, I might have some time to go outside and work in the yard or play with George. By the time we get through the evening stuff all I want to do is go to sleep. Is it any wonder that I can't seem to find time or energy to watch a TV show. DWTS is about as far as I go...and I usually can't find the time to watch the results show.
I lied. I try to get some "me-time" in while making dinner and instead of focusing 100% on cooking and cleaning the kitchen, I'll get online and mess around. It usually ends up with me distracted and dry, overcooked chicken or some such wondrous event.
Tomorrow I will update on a few things I've got going on. I want to kind of give an overview of the hospital expansion situation and the resulting committee and the first meeting which will be held on Wednesday. I've also been asked if I would be interested in potentially serving on the HOA board. I'm tentatively thinking about it. HOAs and I have a love/hate relationship. I knew the rules before we bought the house and we don't disagree with them or we would have kept looking...and I would assume (or hope) that others would do the same. However, it has also seemed kind of crazy to have an extra layer of legislative regulation. I guess if you could count on your neighbors to all have the same taste and standards that you do, then HOAs wouldn't be necessary. I guess my concern is that this one is sooo large. Over 2300 homes! It's got to be hard to hold that together!
Off to bed with me. I need to get out of my funk!